This mornings thought process
well i've decided that i hate my apartment. well, i LOVE my apartment, but i hate the drive. i have to go about 20 miles to work and it's taking close to an hour and 15 minutes now. why is it that people insist on driving so retarded? i had one lady this morning on her cell phone (handheld) with a map on her steering wheel and her rearview mirror down (maybe to see what she looked like talking!?!). She was swerving all around and when she started to drift OVER the line into my lane i honked ... and she ACTUALLY LOOKED APPALLED AND PISSED OFF AT ME! i was flabbergasted. oh well ...
so, i'm not quite sure how people live in this town on the wages they pay. my apartment is relatively cheap for my area but *d* & i are wanting to move in and all the places we find in the area he wants is so expensive. we found the cutest place (2bdrm 2bth duplex) for $2250!!! what the hell is that!?!? i mean even if you had 2 people who weren't sharing a room going in on it - who the hell wants to spend $1125 to SHARE AN APARTMENT? esp since the landlady was a really old cat lady who lived in the back apartment ...
i think i need to move outta CA
so, i'm not quite sure how people live in this town on the wages they pay. my apartment is relatively cheap for my area but *d* & i are wanting to move in and all the places we find in the area he wants is so expensive. we found the cutest place (2bdrm 2bth duplex) for $2250!!! what the hell is that!?!? i mean even if you had 2 people who weren't sharing a room going in on it - who the hell wants to spend $1125 to SHARE AN APARTMENT? esp since the landlady was a really old cat lady who lived in the back apartment ...
i think i need to move outta CA
At 9:54 AM,
darth said…
those are as bad as northern california prices! wtf?
At 10:21 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
yeah, how sad, huh? the only cheap places here now are in the valley, UGH!
At 10:50 AM,
darth said…
as in san fernando valley? porn capital of the world?
At 10:58 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
well i guess it's cheap in two ways ...
and there's a way to make some extra cash! altho, my look is not really the PORN look
At 12:04 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
Jane ... it gets frustrating some days ... not all of them, but definitely some. oh well, i gotta just let it go and realize that everything else in my life rocks so i need to quit my bitchin
At 1:25 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
then damnit i am FULL OF JOY!
At 1:26 PM,
darth said…
and what better place to bitch than on your own blog? and everyone elses blogs for that matter?
At 2:13 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
don't tempt me
At 2:57 PM,
infobabe said…
I have a 30 minute commute. I have a 3-bedroom house that I share with my sister and my daughter and we pay $1,100 for the WHOLE THING.
I advocate moving out of Cali. If you want a rant on how horrible LA is, just dial CarnageAsada's number. He'll talk your ear off about it till the fat lady sings.
At 3:00 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
only problem is ... 3 children ... schools, friends, dad ... it's a no go til they get older ... and believe me i'm willing to make the sacrifice for them - plus i've lived here all my life - OC baby - so it's not that i HATE it or anything - just get ... a little ... angry some days
At 8:31 AM,
darth said…
are you still a little angry today?
At 10:00 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
are you? are you still there/here!?! where in the OC!?!
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