Drip ... Drip ... Drip
Still leaking ... not a word from the landlords. Well a couple of words, but who can understand them with all the mouthbreathing going on? jeez ... just fix my ceiling ... oh yeah, and how'ze about the electricity situation in the bathroom too ... yeah that'd be nice.
On a happier note ... there are no football games this weekend so that means that the entire weekend is MINE with the boys! mwahahahaha! My eldest has started football recently (freshman in high school) and every weekend so far has been taken up with scrimmage (sp?) games and practice games and the like, so it's been hard to get a few days when I can just have all of them 100%.
I'm finding that I've become more and more selfish regarding them lately. I don't know if it's because I know that it will be very very soon when they will want their weekends to be their own ... dates, friends, games, whatever. So I am holding on to whatever I can right now. Some weekends I just sit and look at them, at how big they've gotten, how little time I have left to have them all to myself ... and it hurts so much that it is quite seriously a physical pain. And then at that exact moment, my mood changes into one so filled with love and pride that it extinguishes any bad feelings so completely that it barely seems possible that it was there. Ah, Motherhood, it's like having perpetual PMS or Manic/Depression.
So, we received the test results for the last school year for the 2 youngest. My middle child (who just walks along to a different drummer) did pretty well - he is at average among his peers (which I am extremely happy about since it was his last year in grammar school and he really did a lot of just hanging out and very little studying - no matter how much we tried to talk/pressure/threaten/help him). He really should be doing better, but we have no idea why he is not. He is very well liked at school, makes friends easily and keeps them once he has them - everyone who meets him just adores him. He seems to not retain much of anything (except tv shows, video games and jokes) & he is very scattered. We are going to have him tested this year for learning disabilities since previous years tests have been inconclusive and we didn't want to stigmatize him or have someone tell us he needed to be on meds (we do not believe in them for him). He is very well behaved, not antsy or out of control, just doesn't concentrate at all so considering all of that, we are very proud of him for his scores. My ex says he has too much of his mother in him - haha ... yeah. Now before anyone thinks I am being down on him please know that I think he is one of the funniest, sweetest, most clever and lovable children I have ever met - it's just the conventional school work situation that worries me.
Anyway, the youngest (who we refer to as Little Man Tate) did exceptionally well. He has a photographic memory (yes, gets us into trouble more often than not) and his reading/language comprehension is amazing. He scored 1 -2 points below the highest gifted division (I don't remember what it was called and I don't want to sound pretentious so I withhold from calling it what I really think it was called) in 4 of the 5 core areas (language, math, reading and spelling) and in the middle of the mid level gifted for science for his grade level. His dad has a meeting with the school on Monday to talk to counselors - not sure why but they wanted the meeting. So, needless to say we are proud of him too. He is very smart, sweet and funny ... some days it is hard to remember that he is as young as he is. Then he'll make some joke about farts and I'll be reminded.
My eldest has yet to have any test scores come home from last year, but he did do pretty great his last year in middle school. He is far more social than academic but he still maintained a B average. He took one of his classes (social studies/psychology) for summer school this past summer so that he could have 2 electives instead of 1, and passed with flying colors. His football practices seem to be taking up a lot of his time so he hasn't gone out for any school plays yet or decided if he is going to run for student council this year. I (and a few of his past teachers) hope that he does, he really will make an excellent politician/debater one day - maybe some day I'll tell you all about his essays/debates/presentations he wrote in school. His humor, cleverness, insight and intelligence made a lot of people laugh, think and yes, a bit uncomfortable. We are very proud of him.
So, that is what I have been thinking about all morning. How much I miss them and how much I will always miss them because now that they are growing up that is part of what I have to look forward to - always missing them. But I know that with that I will also have this amazing love, pride and laughter that I will never be able to get anywhere else.
Viva Motherhood!
On a happier note ... there are no football games this weekend so that means that the entire weekend is MINE with the boys! mwahahahaha! My eldest has started football recently (freshman in high school) and every weekend so far has been taken up with scrimmage (sp?) games and practice games and the like, so it's been hard to get a few days when I can just have all of them 100%.
I'm finding that I've become more and more selfish regarding them lately. I don't know if it's because I know that it will be very very soon when they will want their weekends to be their own ... dates, friends, games, whatever. So I am holding on to whatever I can right now. Some weekends I just sit and look at them, at how big they've gotten, how little time I have left to have them all to myself ... and it hurts so much that it is quite seriously a physical pain. And then at that exact moment, my mood changes into one so filled with love and pride that it extinguishes any bad feelings so completely that it barely seems possible that it was there. Ah, Motherhood, it's like having perpetual PMS or Manic/Depression.
So, we received the test results for the last school year for the 2 youngest. My middle child (who just walks along to a different drummer) did pretty well - he is at average among his peers (which I am extremely happy about since it was his last year in grammar school and he really did a lot of just hanging out and very little studying - no matter how much we tried to talk/pressure/threaten/help him). He really should be doing better, but we have no idea why he is not. He is very well liked at school, makes friends easily and keeps them once he has them - everyone who meets him just adores him. He seems to not retain much of anything (except tv shows, video games and jokes) & he is very scattered. We are going to have him tested this year for learning disabilities since previous years tests have been inconclusive and we didn't want to stigmatize him or have someone tell us he needed to be on meds (we do not believe in them for him). He is very well behaved, not antsy or out of control, just doesn't concentrate at all so considering all of that, we are very proud of him for his scores. My ex says he has too much of his mother in him - haha ... yeah. Now before anyone thinks I am being down on him please know that I think he is one of the funniest, sweetest, most clever and lovable children I have ever met - it's just the conventional school work situation that worries me.
Anyway, the youngest (who we refer to as Little Man Tate) did exceptionally well. He has a photographic memory (yes, gets us into trouble more often than not) and his reading/language comprehension is amazing. He scored 1 -2 points below the highest gifted division (I don't remember what it was called and I don't want to sound pretentious so I withhold from calling it what I really think it was called) in 4 of the 5 core areas (language, math, reading and spelling) and in the middle of the mid level gifted for science for his grade level. His dad has a meeting with the school on Monday to talk to counselors - not sure why but they wanted the meeting. So, needless to say we are proud of him too. He is very smart, sweet and funny ... some days it is hard to remember that he is as young as he is. Then he'll make some joke about farts and I'll be reminded.
My eldest has yet to have any test scores come home from last year, but he did do pretty great his last year in middle school. He is far more social than academic but he still maintained a B average. He took one of his classes (social studies/psychology) for summer school this past summer so that he could have 2 electives instead of 1, and passed with flying colors. His football practices seem to be taking up a lot of his time so he hasn't gone out for any school plays yet or decided if he is going to run for student council this year. I (and a few of his past teachers) hope that he does, he really will make an excellent politician/debater one day - maybe some day I'll tell you all about his essays/debates/presentations he wrote in school. His humor, cleverness, insight and intelligence made a lot of people laugh, think and yes, a bit uncomfortable. We are very proud of him.
So, that is what I have been thinking about all morning. How much I miss them and how much I will always miss them because now that they are growing up that is part of what I have to look forward to - always missing them. But I know that with that I will also have this amazing love, pride and laughter that I will never be able to get anywhere else.
Viva Motherhood!
At 10:12 AM,
darth said…
and fatherhood :p
the sports thing on the weekends is just crazy-and thats with one kid! don't know how you deal with THREE.
we got test scores back too-darth jr. did very well, esp. in reading-makes letting him read at the dinnertable some nights seem worthwhile :)
your boys sound like they are doing great!
At 1:05 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
yay for our smart kidlets!!! woohoo!! yeah you know we never could figure out how to punish Son #1 or Son #3 ... we'd send them to their room, no tv, no computer, no video games, no toys ... they'd be fine ... wouldn't even care - just read read read. and you can't take books away!
At 1:21 PM,
darth said…
yeah, reading is one of those things we just encourage without reservations.
At 1:53 PM,
infobabe said…
thanks for posting about your kids :) I love hearing about other people's kids. Infokid has just started grade 3 and the real standardized testing doesn't start here till grade 4, so I can't brag about test scores. However, she's a pretty smart cookie, was reading at a grade 4 level by last winter, and has tons of imagination and focus. Tons of non-focus too, but I chalk that up to being 7 and don't worry about it too much.
So far no interest in sports (she's too much of a brainiac) besides gymnastics (which is too structured for her I honestly think, so we're hoping to get her into circus classes instead), but she's in Brownies, which is a fabulous, excellent experience for her.
yay parents! yay kids!!!
At 3:13 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
circus classes?!?!?! DO THEY ACCEPT ADULTS!?!?!
and thanks, some days my kids are just too much of a private part of me to talk about on a blog or in a forum ... but some days ... i can't stop myself from talking about 'em. and i hope i didn't sound like i was bragging too much ... just had all this stuff in my head and it somehow came out in a mad rush!
At 4:45 PM,
infobabe said…
as a matter of fact they DO have adult classes ;) www.cirkids.org
as for bragging about your kids, I say GO FOR IT!! it sounds like you've got a lot to be proud of there, and well you should. I'm the first to agree, it ain't easy, and if you feel good about it, shout it from the rooftops.
At 2:12 PM,
Arethusa said…
Talk about the kids! Me wove kiddies.
Oh and brownies...D/N/T.
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