the memory of a ... spider?
i think spider webs are breathtakingly beautiful and complex, the way they shimmer in the sunlight, how strong they are considering they are just one silky sticky string ... so i find it hard to believe that the construction operator of this could possibly be having some sort of retention issue.
how else can you explain the reasoning behind the continuation of this one web in the exact same place it gets demolished every single day. every morning the placement of said web is being built between a very busy walkway ... and every afternoon i come back to look at said construction - you know, to sort of say "hey how far have you gotten", "looks like that bedroom is coming along nicely", "its going to be a great family sized place i see" and all that - and its middle is gone ... all that's left are two sides hanging from its anchored trees.
don't get me wrong, i am not a spider fan ... in fact because the little devils LOVE (this is NOT an exaggeration here) to dine on me as much as spiderly possible, i would be happy if i could live in an arachnid free zone ... BUT it seems that there is a general lack of forethought to this location.
there are perfectly fine areas about 3 feet up from where he/she/it is starting the process ... no one is tall enough at that point to even brush up against it. seems that it would be a fine place to start something that seems to be entirely too time consuming to not care.
but now that i'm thinking about this maybe he/she/it does think about it. maybe mr/mrs/to whom it may concern spider relishes in the thought of someone coming down the path first thing in the morning, smelling and looking all clean and washed, planting face first into the sticky newness of the web. maybe he sits underneath a leaf just waiting for some silly biped to come whistling by and giggles mirthlessly when all of a sudden said human is covered in things so invisible yet disgusting that we can't help clawing at our selves and jumping around trying to shake it off ... the fear that the spider is somehow attached to these strings permeating our thoughts so thoroughly that we are spinning round and round trying to see our entire body like a dog trying to catch its tail.
as a matter of fact, the more i think about this the more it seems so aptly fitting ... that there is some sadistic twisted spider hiding out by me ... not wanting to bite (or maybe he/she/its not the biting kind of spider - yeah right) just wanting to torture.
so today, when i get off work, instead of searching for the web and feeling sorry to see its torn and tangled remains, i may instead, do a quick wayne and garth salute ...
i'm not worthy ... i'm not worthy ...
how else can you explain the reasoning behind the continuation of this one web in the exact same place it gets demolished every single day. every morning the placement of said web is being built between a very busy walkway ... and every afternoon i come back to look at said construction - you know, to sort of say "hey how far have you gotten", "looks like that bedroom is coming along nicely", "its going to be a great family sized place i see" and all that - and its middle is gone ... all that's left are two sides hanging from its anchored trees.
don't get me wrong, i am not a spider fan ... in fact because the little devils LOVE (this is NOT an exaggeration here) to dine on me as much as spiderly possible, i would be happy if i could live in an arachnid free zone ... BUT it seems that there is a general lack of forethought to this location.
there are perfectly fine areas about 3 feet up from where he/she/it is starting the process ... no one is tall enough at that point to even brush up against it. seems that it would be a fine place to start something that seems to be entirely too time consuming to not care.
but now that i'm thinking about this maybe he/she/it does think about it. maybe mr/mrs/to whom it may concern spider relishes in the thought of someone coming down the path first thing in the morning, smelling and looking all clean and washed, planting face first into the sticky newness of the web. maybe he sits underneath a leaf just waiting for some silly biped to come whistling by and giggles mirthlessly when all of a sudden said human is covered in things so invisible yet disgusting that we can't help clawing at our selves and jumping around trying to shake it off ... the fear that the spider is somehow attached to these strings permeating our thoughts so thoroughly that we are spinning round and round trying to see our entire body like a dog trying to catch its tail.
as a matter of fact, the more i think about this the more it seems so aptly fitting ... that there is some sadistic twisted spider hiding out by me ... not wanting to bite (or maybe he/she/its not the biting kind of spider - yeah right) just wanting to torture.
so today, when i get off work, instead of searching for the web and feeling sorry to see its torn and tangled remains, i may instead, do a quick wayne and garth salute ...
i'm not worthy ... i'm not worthy ...
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think the spider's eyes are just bigger than its stomach, not to mention web.
If he does capture someone though, then hey he is in food for years.
You have to admire a creature with the ability to dream like that....
At 10:48 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
*shudder* i just have the feeling he's hunting for me
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
let the truth be told
At 1:31 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
well i know YOU'RE hunting for me ... but we were talking about the spider ...
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe the spider just likes you, too :)
At 2:05 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
i think it may have something to do with the miss muffett costume ... maybe i should be something else!
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
is that your halloween costume??? little miss muffet???
At 2:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love spiders because I think they gobble worse biting beasties. I have a big scary looking one who lives in the woodwork behind my bathroom sink and I always hope he doesn't bite me, but I wouldn't be able to harm him even if he did.
At 5:08 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
note to self: pick up chloral hydrat on the way home
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