Quick Change Artist
I remember there was a doll that my cousin had when we were very small. The doll had this orange hair & freckles and wasn't particularly cute but I wanted her like nothing else on this earth. Her clothes were pretty bland and her movements weren't as smooth as my other dolls but did I spend many of hours pondering how to steal that doll. I felt a kinship to her ... she, more than any other toy I had or person that I knew, was what I wanted to be. Her saving grace? You could make her hair long or short with the turn of a crank on her back. Yes, you heard it right ... *crank**crank**crank* oooh lookit - she has LOOOONG hair ... *crank**crank**crank* oooooh, now its short again! *crank**crank**crank* down below her waist ... *crank**crank**crank* well, you get the idea.
At each family function, I would seek out this cousin (who, let me tell you, was not particularly nice to me, being older and much cooler than I) and beg to let me have a few seconds with this plastic entity that had been ripped from my soul. I would have never been able to put that into words at the time but I now know what that ache was. Separation anxiety.
I've noticed that I am not ever really happy with being stagnant in the way that I look. now I don't want surgery or to look completely different than I do. I am actually quite content with my looks in general principle. I am, however, addicted to hair dyeing and hair cutting. I really do HAVE to dye my hair because I do not like the grey that seems to have invaded my head as if I were some european country, but I am never ever satisfied with dyeing it the same color time after time. And once I do dye it I get antsy in about a week with how boring it is. (it doesn't matter the color I make it, after a week it bores me) So this whole paragraph brings me to the reason for this post.
I have been asked by my children (almost daily, since this is their favorite question) what super powers I would choose if I could. They never seem to tire of this. I have given them the normal answers (well normal to those of us who have seen Xmen) - I would like to have Rogue's power or I would like to have Mystique's power (which is very very close to what it is that is in my heart of hearts). But in actuality I would want something much smaller and much more in tune with my soul.
So here it is ... in all it's glory and smallness ... I would like to have the ability to change my hair at will. Color, length, style ... that is all.
Now don't get me wrong, I would not pass up the opportunity to have the power to ensure world peace or diffuse hatred/anger or invisibility. But those are way too important to bestow on someone such as me, I would be afraid that I would not utilize these powers in the way they should be. I would of course try, but ultimately I believe I would be scared of them.
No, I really think the world would be best served if I would just have that one small power. The one teeny tiny little gift that would make me content and therefore serve the world in the ways I know how.
And if that isn't possible, then if someone would just tell me where to find that doll.
At each family function, I would seek out this cousin (who, let me tell you, was not particularly nice to me, being older and much cooler than I) and beg to let me have a few seconds with this plastic entity that had been ripped from my soul. I would have never been able to put that into words at the time but I now know what that ache was. Separation anxiety.
I've noticed that I am not ever really happy with being stagnant in the way that I look. now I don't want surgery or to look completely different than I do. I am actually quite content with my looks in general principle. I am, however, addicted to hair dyeing and hair cutting. I really do HAVE to dye my hair because I do not like the grey that seems to have invaded my head as if I were some european country, but I am never ever satisfied with dyeing it the same color time after time. And once I do dye it I get antsy in about a week with how boring it is. (it doesn't matter the color I make it, after a week it bores me) So this whole paragraph brings me to the reason for this post.
I have been asked by my children (almost daily, since this is their favorite question) what super powers I would choose if I could. They never seem to tire of this. I have given them the normal answers (well normal to those of us who have seen Xmen) - I would like to have Rogue's power or I would like to have Mystique's power (which is very very close to what it is that is in my heart of hearts). But in actuality I would want something much smaller and much more in tune with my soul.
So here it is ... in all it's glory and smallness ... I would like to have the ability to change my hair at will. Color, length, style ... that is all.
Now don't get me wrong, I would not pass up the opportunity to have the power to ensure world peace or diffuse hatred/anger or invisibility. But those are way too important to bestow on someone such as me, I would be afraid that I would not utilize these powers in the way they should be. I would of course try, but ultimately I believe I would be scared of them.
No, I really think the world would be best served if I would just have that one small power. The one teeny tiny little gift that would make me content and therefore serve the world in the ways I know how.
And if that isn't possible, then if someone would just tell me where to find that doll.
At 1:16 PM,
darth said…
i've done some questionable searches on google in my day, but "doll with growing hair" creeped me out for some reason. ew.
At 12:50 PM,
Arethusa said…
I'm not clicking on that link.
I thought of adding deep blue/indigo streaks to my hair once. I haven't tried it yet. By nature I become immediately wary of any impulses I have to change my appearance. I'm not sure where it came from since my mother has had her hair in many styles with streaks of many (but bank-acceptable) colours.
I've never even tried coloured contacts. :wuss:
At 2:55 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
I have never had contacts in ... but my hair has really been every color under the sun. I just wish I had never done the black ... that NEVER comes out! BAH!
At 3:11 PM,
darth said…
what was the original color?
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