The Flood
So ... my apartment is screwed. The entire ceiling has to be redone because someone f*cked up and forgot to fix one pipe the last time it leaked. So that means the leak continued and crept all around my ceiling, invading the boards and all the other things up there (yeah i have no idea ... so what).
One week ... I am not allowed to stay in my place for at LEAST one week. Now don't get me wrong ... I love staying with *d*... i just feel like when there is no other choice, well maybe it's not a good thing, ya know? It's like I'm being forced upon his home ... i am the INVADER, the hapless transient ... the accidental guest ... i know i'm blowing this out of proportion but still. I'd like our time together to be because we GET to be together ... not because my house blew up.
One week ... I am not allowed to stay in my place for at LEAST one week. Now don't get me wrong ... I love staying with *d*... i just feel like when there is no other choice, well maybe it's not a good thing, ya know? It's like I'm being forced upon his home ... i am the INVADER, the hapless transient ... the accidental guest ... i know i'm blowing this out of proportion but still. I'd like our time together to be because we GET to be together ... not because my house blew up.
At 3:12 PM,
darth said…
what about your stuff??? :o
At 3:14 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
who knows ... i think my leak is just in the hall ... which means most of the stuff that got ruined was hopefully less meaningful ... but i really won't know til i go home tonight. :(
At 5:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know exactly what you mean, but maybe you could trick yourself into seeing it as a happy accident? You seem very independent (something I'm often accused of but actually consider a compliment) but I'm sure it will be nice to spend time together even if it is because you're flooded out of your house. I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything gets fixed and dried out quickly! :smooch:
At 8:42 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
thanks for the encouragement BBB ... i know that it will be fun and i will have a great time ... i just tend to over think situations such as these. i didn't have the strength to look at the apartment last night ... i am going to go there tomorrow night instead. cross your fingers and toes!
At 7:29 AM,
infobabe said…
oh! oh! I have a flood story! so my mom told me she and infokid arrived home at her place the other night and heard the fire alarm in her building going off. Turns out, one of the tenants had hung something from a sprinkler head in their apt and it fell off and triggered the sprinkler system. Everyone evacuated and the fire dept came, they opened the lock box where the keys to the sprinkler system should have been and keys! The evil developer (who owns more than half the building and whom the rest of the strata have been trying to depose for years) was called, but the sprinklers went off for 25 minutes, as opposed to the 7 minutes they would have if the keys had been there. My mom's place wasn't so affected, but infokid's friend who lives in the building, her place was SOAKED. FLOODED. Unliveable for 3 weeks. My mom said the developer guy was looking...kinda pale that night. I'd sue his ass off, myself.
I don't know how this factors in to your dilemma of bunking in wif your boyfriend, but I'd say, be thankful you have someplace to crash, and I agree with Bella, enjoy your adventure. Put up a tent in the living room and sleep in sleeping bags. I dunno :D
At 9:22 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
yikes! well ... thankfully it wasn't a sprinkler system and it wasn't in the ENTIRE house ... i'm sure everything is fine ... just out of sorts when i wrote that.
i am extremely thankful of the fact that i have a place to stay ... just ... well he has 2 roommates ... so it's hard to all of a sudden not have any privacy ... you know? ok, enough pity! :)
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Make sure you get your rent prorated for the month.
Then you can afford to give the person you stay with a nice gift or take them out somewhere fancy.
At 9:25 AM,
darth said… was it? :worried:
our roof is leaking in our office.
At 12:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's just fate's way of gettin' us together again...nothing forced.
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
*smooch* pot pies taste good
At 1:22 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
ah *d*, god love ya ... but wouldn't you like to get that mountain of my clothes off your floor!?
the apartment was a disaster ... nothing was fixed ... there was however a hole in my ceiling where i could see into my upstairs neighbors house and 2 cases of beer in my trash can. oh yeah, and the broken pipe i guess was taken out ... and DEPOSITED INTO MY CHILDS BEACH PAIL OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!
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