being thankful
for those who think i am nothing but a bit depressing and bleak ... i give you my list of things that make me feel indebted to whatever sort of being has been looking out for me or grateful to the chaos that is out there in the universe who just happened to throw these my way:
- Oldest, Middle and Lil One ... they bring me an inordinate amount of joy, more than any other person in this world could ever hope to. i am by far luckier to have them in my life than i will ever be able to show.
- Lil one's remission... 7 years so far. The hardest time is the first 5 years, because more often than not, cancers return during that time. his has been quiet and hopefully 100% dead & gone.
- love ... i couldn't imagine my life any other way
- *d* ... for everything, anything and all things
- ms, sm, sg, gd, ja, dg, kh, kk, sc, hc, kw ... i finally feel like i have a family.
- printed words ... motivation, inspiration, or just plain trash - doesn't matter.
- blogging/forum friends ... you have touched my life in a way i didn't think possible. thank you for reading my thoughts, for being here to listen and for giving pep talks, critiscism, and laughs.
happy thanksgiving all. be thankful, well rested, and at peace.
At 1:18 PM,
John Patmos said…
Back at you, darlin'! And let me just say it's been great getting to know you as well.
Here's a toast - to good friends and better days. May you never run out of either one.
At 2:58 PM,
darth said…
have a great holiday, inkeddaisy.
At 1:16 PM,
Arethusa said…
I know that someone in this comments space blushed when he/she/it read a certain line. I can sense it.
I hope you had a great thanksgiving daisy!!! Your post gave me the fuzzies, thanks. :-)
At 3:28 AM,
thephoenixnyc said…
That was a really beautiful post daisy. Happy THanksgiving to you and your family, friends and loved ones.
My list:
1. The food in my belly
2. Clothes on my back
3. Roof over head
4. My health
5. Mom, dad and sister
6. My job
7. My passions
8. Travel
9. To live in NY
10.My friends
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