My country tis of … them?
I have been comically stating that I would move if bush was reelected … move out of the country … leave my home, my friends, my identity thus far … because of an outcome that I thought improbable.
Now, as I sit and try to regroup, the thought that should still seem laughable is actually relevant. Could I leave everything behind? Could I start fresh and feel good about it? I am torn between the feeling of disassociation with my motherland and the guilt that I have for having no sense of loyalty to it.
As we were watching the results come in last night; me & *d* in one place, matt in another, on the phone frantically cussing out the stupidity that was being shown to us; matt & I started talking about the move that we had been joking about. He had some interesting points (as he usually does).
Is one man more important than my country? Or is my country more important than one man?
I would normally have stated that no man is bigger nor more important than my country and all of the people who live within it, but this election has proven that theory empty to me. The election has proven that our country is this man. That we, as a country, have gotten what we wanted and what we deserve.
So is my country big enough to realize that certain things that I find fundamentally right, to be sacred? Do they think that human rights should be held up before any sort of religious ones? Are the rights of millions of females, some not even born yet, being subverted because of what one man/country has decided is morally the right path? Will our sex lives become public in hopes that we can eliminate any sort of objectionable behavior that may or may not be ok’d by one group of people?
Because I do not have these answers nor do I even profess to be CLOSE to being able to find these answers, the beckoning of another country sounds ever more comforting.
I have ties to different spots through family. I could easily move to 2 different countries and gain citizenship fairly easily. But, am I just exchanging one problem for another? Am I just running away from problems that I told myself long ago that I wouldn’t run from? That I would fight til my dying breath to make certain that the things I believe in will never be taken from someone.
Please don’t get me wrong, I do love my country. I love all that we have come from, the adversary, the oppression, the ignorance. But I love my rights, my children’s’ rights, my grandchildren’s’ rights, etc, more.
Yesterday made me feel like running away … today might hold something else.
But just in case, I need more winter coats.
Now, as I sit and try to regroup, the thought that should still seem laughable is actually relevant. Could I leave everything behind? Could I start fresh and feel good about it? I am torn between the feeling of disassociation with my motherland and the guilt that I have for having no sense of loyalty to it.
As we were watching the results come in last night; me & *d* in one place, matt in another, on the phone frantically cussing out the stupidity that was being shown to us; matt & I started talking about the move that we had been joking about. He had some interesting points (as he usually does).
Is one man more important than my country? Or is my country more important than one man?
I would normally have stated that no man is bigger nor more important than my country and all of the people who live within it, but this election has proven that theory empty to me. The election has proven that our country is this man. That we, as a country, have gotten what we wanted and what we deserve.
So is my country big enough to realize that certain things that I find fundamentally right, to be sacred? Do they think that human rights should be held up before any sort of religious ones? Are the rights of millions of females, some not even born yet, being subverted because of what one man/country has decided is morally the right path? Will our sex lives become public in hopes that we can eliminate any sort of objectionable behavior that may or may not be ok’d by one group of people?
Because I do not have these answers nor do I even profess to be CLOSE to being able to find these answers, the beckoning of another country sounds ever more comforting.
I have ties to different spots through family. I could easily move to 2 different countries and gain citizenship fairly easily. But, am I just exchanging one problem for another? Am I just running away from problems that I told myself long ago that I wouldn’t run from? That I would fight til my dying breath to make certain that the things I believe in will never be taken from someone.
Please don’t get me wrong, I do love my country. I love all that we have come from, the adversary, the oppression, the ignorance. But I love my rights, my children’s’ rights, my grandchildren’s’ rights, etc, more.
Yesterday made me feel like running away … today might hold something else.
But just in case, I need more winter coats.
At 9:58 AM,
darth said…
you are not alone.
At 10:51 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
don't tempt fate man ... seriously
At 8:39 AM,
thephoenixnyc said…
Can ANYONE help me get an EU pasport? I will leave tomorrow!!!!
At 11:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
The US ahs been and will continue to decline no matter who is president, but with shrub in charge I think it will be more like falling off a cliff then slowly sliding down a mudbank.
I have sort of dreamt of moving to australia for the last ten years - I think they care more about the environment, not being overcrowded, and labor than people in the US. When the US is bad economically it has nothing else going for it really, especially with freedom of speach being trampled on.
The NAACP is being audited and may be closed down because the president criticized Preisdent Bush for example. That is simply unreal to me.
I think people have no clue what is going on, period. When the media is tightly manipulated and in some cases outright controlled, then so our most people's thoughts.
At 12:56 PM,
john_m_burt said…
Look, all 140 million of us who opposed Bush can't leave the country. Instead, let's try to make friends with the other guys.
I know, they're all a bunch of idiots, but they're still our neighbors. And I still believe that we can come to terms. Somehow.
The country isn't really deeply divided. And it's a very *close* division, in terms of population and resources. It's not like we were the Palestinians, folks!
We'll find a way, if we want to badly enough.
And 2008 isn't all that far away. And 2006 is even closer.
At 11:36 AM,
Erika said…
Have you heard the totally coincidental but nonetheless true rumour going around that every president, save one, who was elected in a year ended in 0 died while in office? Gives one hope, really. Not that I would wish death on anyone. Okay, maybe I do. Just a little. Something quick. But maybe not entirely painless.
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