aren't you ....?
someone told me once that i didn't look like what they had imagined i would look. i'm not quite sure what that means. i really don't imagine what people look like when i talk to them via email/im/phone (for work)/forums/blogs. maybe you think it's lie, but it's not. maybe you think it's weird, it may very well be.
so i was thinking, that maybe it would help to have some sort of distinguishing tell each time you conversed with someone via any of the above blind ways. maybe we should have descriptions of ourselves ... in our own words ... before we start chatting. example:
now the person calling has in their head a vision of someone like drew barrymore or carol burnett or janeane garafolo (until they hear my voice which never fails to produce one of two comments: is "your mommy there?" or "you know you should do voiceovers in cartoons"). which is sort of what i want to convey anyway. no messy wondering, no conceptuals based on whomever you happened to be thinking about at that moment, and better than that - no surprises.
now, you may be saying to yourself "BUT inked, you don't look like drew barrymore or carol burnett or janeane garafolo" - so yes there is ultimately a flaw in my thinking (not entirely unheard of). but i still think that you get to have the general idea of what i find most pressing about myself up front.
wouldn't it be great to have honesty like that in the cyber world? i mean you would be able to know that the dude who is posting in your thread is basically NOT a bad guy but just lacks certain social skills that most people have so you would be more understanding towards him. you would know before each person posted what they thought of themselves and what they thought was most important so you could actually see if you wanted to engage in a conversation with them. the possibilities are endless.
of course this is all based on the assumption that people are going to be honest, cuz:
inkeddaisy: 38DD, tall, blonde, rich, thin
it's a recipe for disaster
so i was thinking, that maybe it would help to have some sort of distinguishing tell each time you conversed with someone via any of the above blind ways. maybe we should have descriptions of ourselves ... in our own words ... before we start chatting. example:
- phone rings at work
- before it clicks over to me a voice comes on and states:
"inkeddaisy: goofy, funny, compassionate, friendly, smart"
now the person calling has in their head a vision of someone like drew barrymore or carol burnett or janeane garafolo (until they hear my voice which never fails to produce one of two comments: is "your mommy there?" or "you know you should do voiceovers in cartoons"). which is sort of what i want to convey anyway. no messy wondering, no conceptuals based on whomever you happened to be thinking about at that moment, and better than that - no surprises.
now, you may be saying to yourself "BUT inked, you don't look like drew barrymore or carol burnett or janeane garafolo" - so yes there is ultimately a flaw in my thinking (not entirely unheard of). but i still think that you get to have the general idea of what i find most pressing about myself up front.
wouldn't it be great to have honesty like that in the cyber world? i mean you would be able to know that the dude who is posting in your thread is basically NOT a bad guy but just lacks certain social skills that most people have so you would be more understanding towards him. you would know before each person posted what they thought of themselves and what they thought was most important so you could actually see if you wanted to engage in a conversation with them. the possibilities are endless.
of course this is all based on the assumption that people are going to be honest, cuz:
inkeddaisy: 38DD, tall, blonde, rich, thin
it's a recipe for disaster
At 9:57 AM,
Gorgeous Girl said…
You mean I'm not 5'6, and 98 lbs? ssh. don't tell anyone.
At 11:56 AM,
darth said…
you changed your hair color AGAIN????
At 12:17 PM,
john_m_burt said…
Drew Barrymore? Janeane Garofalo? Naaah. You look more like Lucy Liu to me.
At 12:36 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
jane ... what on earth did you think i looked like?
oh btw - darth looks more like lucy liu than i do
At 12:37 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
darth - yes, and i grew a bust ... FINALLY!
At 12:53 PM,
darth said…
she's much taller than me, i'm sure.
and is the new bust tattooed?
At 12:54 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
you can tattoo boobs now? damn!
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I’m don’t look anything like myself either.
At 1:37 PM,
John Patmos said…
Ironically, I look a lot like myself in real life. I'm 5'10", about 195, have thinning brown hair and a mustache (though I usually grow a goatee in the winter). I've got a wicked sense of humor (or so others tell me) and am fiercely loyal to my friends. I believe that revenge is a dish best served cold, I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone and I believe that karmically speaking, we are held accountable for our actions in life.
At 2:33 PM,
darth said…
At 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you read my blogs in your head with Captain Kirk's voice then will make much more sense to you.
Beyond that, it is a good question because nothing really leaps to my mind when I think of myself. It is certainly food for thought.
People tend to really like me or really dislike me, with a strong tendency towards the latter.
At 3:34 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
well i guess i might come across as a hard ass ... maybe? i dunno. weird.
so yeah i would definitely say that those 5 things would be the things i would like to be said about me. nothing physical - and all the qualities that i hope to convey to others ...
esp since i can't grow a goatee
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Excitingly chunky with a combination of classic lines and organic curves"
Maybe that would be a better indicator of reality.
At 4:52 PM,
Katie said…
Ahhh, but then you have the overwhelming fear that your cyberbuddies will come up with PLD: great personality. And you know what "great personality" means...
At 8:31 PM,
darth said…
she does have PLD too..its even tattooed somewhere i think..:o
At 8:28 AM,
darth said…
it rains here though. :sadbanana:
At 8:33 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
i do have 3 initials that start with P tat'd on me ... so THERE! jealous much!? ;)
altho i think i like the "she's got a great personality angle" ... i know it sounds weird but at least there is NOTHING you have to live up to physically ... and sometimes there is the chance that you mildly suprise someone when you meet them!
and just for the record ... i wake up with gerber daisies, not roses ... everything else you can assume to be true! ;)
do i even want to know who this mutual friend is? *shudder*
At 6:06 AM,
Toastie said…
Saw you commented on a perfect circle, thought I should reply. I haven't heard cover of imagine yet, though I rarely listen to the radio. However, since the internet is on computers now, I probably could be able to find it somewhere. I'm curious to see how cover of "what's goin on?" will sound. good stuff I think. thanks for stoppin' by the toastedblog.
At 11:29 PM,
john_m_burt said…
Speaking professionally as a massage therapist, I have seen plenty of tattooed boobs. If your tattooist said it couldn't be done, s/he had some reason (squeamishness, fear of your reaction to pain, &c.) for not wanting to do it.
Since breasts are sensitive, it would hurt more, and I don't recall having ever seen a tattoed areola or nipple, but if you want a boob tattoo, go for it, girl!
Since you have one on your back that says "Once upon a time . . . " (a lovely tat, by the way), maybe your boob tattoo could say "The plot thickens" or "the journey continued".
The obvious other quotation, and its placement, I will leave for someone with less couth than me.
At 10:25 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
john_m_burt, actually i can't think of a worse place for a tat - eek! i was thinking more along the lines of shadowing or highliting ... like with make up! :)
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