dust in the wind
this new year has started making me feel a little less melancholy about things. i had a great holiday at home and in ohio. the white christmas i fully believe made me feel more connected with the season. i didn't feel as disconnected as i had in the past going away for the holidays. i did have my boys for christmas eve and for the new year weekend which i am sure couldn't have hurt how good i felt about 2005.
this year has started to take a turn that is happening at blindingly quick speed. as of march 1st, *d* and i will be moving in together officially. one of my best friends will be moving back home for school as of february and we are taking over her lease. the apartment is fantastic (even if it is a one bedroom) and she is leaving all of her furniture for me to have (at a DRASTICALLY reduced price). one of the many selling points of the place is that it is in the same complex as 2 of my other best friends (the group of 7 girls that i hang out with on a daily basis) so we will have a feeling of community already built into our new home.
the only problem that i can see so far is my ability to panic about menial shit. because it will be in the same complex as my friends that means that my apartment must be in the same sort of shape their places are. now don't get me wrong, this is NOT put upon me by the girls ... they love me regardless of how my home looks. it's me ... all me. *d* could care less what color our walls are ... what sort of furniture we have ... as long as we are together. i feel the same on one level but on another i am in a complete panic state about it. so much so that i was at home depot ... HOME DEPOT ... uh, what the hell happened to me? for some reason, i feel like i can't be completely at peace until my walls are the perfect color ... UH ... someone stop me ... please.
and we are getting a puppy this summer so that makes me less stressed ... sorta. i am terrified that our dog isn't going to get along with our friends dog ... that we'll be outcasts because my dog is a heathen or something.
so things that i remember from the past month that i found memorable (good or bad):
1. we made real homeade cookies with the boys on christmas eve. they each got to make them their own special colors (as always blue for the oldest, green for the middle and red for the baby).
2. i made my first snow angel ever ... well actually it was a snow devil (i put horns on it)
3. i got a glimpse a jealous streak in me ... yes, me ... it was distressing ... horrible actually. we were in ohio and i was feeling like i was having a bad hair day when this girl who was a friend of *d*'s family starting hitting on him BIG time ... totally pretending that i wasn't there. now for all of you who don't know me this normally is not an issue. and *d* (true to his form) did not even notice that it was happening ... but the girl was RELENTLESS. and unfortunately i am completely incapable of tearing girls apart to make myself feel better. so all i saw was that she was gorgeous ... amazing ... doing the little hair flip thing ... trying to engage *d* into conversation (he just kept talking to his family totally oblivious to what she was doing) ... and then i saw it ... the one thing i could fixate on that somehow made me feel better ... man hands ... she had 'em. somehow her being less than perfect made me feel ok again. yes, it is a terribly stupid girl thing to say but it's true.
4. all my best friends came together before christmas to give me all of their winter clothes so that i would be warm. i had gloves, mittens, scarves, snow pants, winter jackets, sweaters, snow boots, hats, thermals ... and best of all, the only thing i needed was *d*.
Happy New Year to everyone ... I hope 2005 is as wonderful to all of you as it has been to me. I promise to start writing more (and better than I have tonight).
Love you all!
this year has started to take a turn that is happening at blindingly quick speed. as of march 1st, *d* and i will be moving in together officially. one of my best friends will be moving back home for school as of february and we are taking over her lease. the apartment is fantastic (even if it is a one bedroom) and she is leaving all of her furniture for me to have (at a DRASTICALLY reduced price). one of the many selling points of the place is that it is in the same complex as 2 of my other best friends (the group of 7 girls that i hang out with on a daily basis) so we will have a feeling of community already built into our new home.
the only problem that i can see so far is my ability to panic about menial shit. because it will be in the same complex as my friends that means that my apartment must be in the same sort of shape their places are. now don't get me wrong, this is NOT put upon me by the girls ... they love me regardless of how my home looks. it's me ... all me. *d* could care less what color our walls are ... what sort of furniture we have ... as long as we are together. i feel the same on one level but on another i am in a complete panic state about it. so much so that i was at home depot ... HOME DEPOT ... uh, what the hell happened to me? for some reason, i feel like i can't be completely at peace until my walls are the perfect color ... UH ... someone stop me ... please.
and we are getting a puppy this summer so that makes me less stressed ... sorta. i am terrified that our dog isn't going to get along with our friends dog ... that we'll be outcasts because my dog is a heathen or something.
so things that i remember from the past month that i found memorable (good or bad):
1. we made real homeade cookies with the boys on christmas eve. they each got to make them their own special colors (as always blue for the oldest, green for the middle and red for the baby).
2. i made my first snow angel ever ... well actually it was a snow devil (i put horns on it)
3. i got a glimpse a jealous streak in me ... yes, me ... it was distressing ... horrible actually. we were in ohio and i was feeling like i was having a bad hair day when this girl who was a friend of *d*'s family starting hitting on him BIG time ... totally pretending that i wasn't there. now for all of you who don't know me this normally is not an issue. and *d* (true to his form) did not even notice that it was happening ... but the girl was RELENTLESS. and unfortunately i am completely incapable of tearing girls apart to make myself feel better. so all i saw was that she was gorgeous ... amazing ... doing the little hair flip thing ... trying to engage *d* into conversation (he just kept talking to his family totally oblivious to what she was doing) ... and then i saw it ... the one thing i could fixate on that somehow made me feel better ... man hands ... she had 'em. somehow her being less than perfect made me feel ok again. yes, it is a terribly stupid girl thing to say but it's true.
4. all my best friends came together before christmas to give me all of their winter clothes so that i would be warm. i had gloves, mittens, scarves, snow pants, winter jackets, sweaters, snow boots, hats, thermals ... and best of all, the only thing i needed was *d*.
Happy New Year to everyone ... I hope 2005 is as wonderful to all of you as it has been to me. I promise to start writing more (and better than I have tonight).
Love you all!
At 8:39 AM,
darth said…
so the long comment i left yesterday never showed..wtf?
ok...march 1st? its ABOUT TIME!!! wtf? and living in the same apt. bldg. as your friends sounds great-you can always just go across the hall to borrow sugar, for, you know, the OATMEAL you serve to all your out of town guests and stuff...
hahahah..home depot!! you? i can't picture it. sad to say, when we first moved into our house, we were there EVERY FRICKIN WEEK picking up stuff..
a puppy??? awwww..what kind? dogs are great, as jane doh can attest to...even IF they DO end up needing $2,000 knee surgery and weeks of rehab...
jealous? you? get serious. ewww, no one likes man hands on a girl, no matter how well she does the hairflip thing. did you check for an adams apple too? never know!
and happy new year to you..i'm just glad your santa baby post is pushed down now.
At 8:49 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
hey jane! so glad to be back! i think i was more pms-ing than anything so the man hands girl just made that little insecure feeling i was having come out in full force ... oh well.
darth, me + home depot = catastrophe. i have no idea what to do in there, it smells weird, and i get lost. i don't understand the fascination. give me a shoe store any day.
we are probably going to get a beagle or a beagle mix. we have been coming up with names but so far nothing is perfect.
yeah, later when talking about the man/girl, *d* laughed cuz he FINALLY realized what she was doing. she was insisting that they had met before but he couldn't remember (and i dont think he was just trying to spare me, since he is sooo not like that). when i said something about her hands he laughed again and just said, well she was a BIIIG girl so i guess they went with her. *whew*
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