the $10,000 question
a friend of mine was talking about an entrance exam she had to take for an internship program she was dying to get into. apparantly they must answer some strange questions with as many answers as their clever little minds can come up with. then the examiners look at all the answers and throw out the most obvious and see what is left. i guess that is how they decide who becomes part of their program, the ones who think outside the box and creatively come up with scenarios that no one else have thought of.
i think that seems like a much better interview process than the normal one we have. i mean, what if, in addition to test scores we were rated on our creativity? i intensely beleive that this is what is missing in today's society. an ability to think on our own. to come up with answers that no one else has ... to imagine that the possibilities are still endless.
some days it feels as if we are brainwashed into doing things a certain way because "that is the way it has always been done". how did we become a country full of lemmings instead of a forward thinking, inventive one?
so until further notice, each week i will come up with a question and ask you to submit 1 or 2 answers (or as many as you can come up with) for the enjoyment of everyone who reads this blog (which seriously might end up being just me - come on, entertain me). i will then post the most creative/intelligent/funny answers the following week preceding the next question. sound fun? i thought so. i think the intent on these questions are to think of the ramifications on the world as a whole (or your community, or house, or country but just bigger than yourself).
and now, without any further ramblings ....
Question 1. What if humans no longer had to eat?
i anxiously await your replies.
At 5:26 PM,
Arethusa said…
Errr...I'M NERVOUS. Ok I'll come back and answer. Soon. Really.
At 6:37 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
*bwock* *bwock*
At 8:28 PM,
darth said…
i live to eat, not eat to live. so, even if i didn't HAVE to...
At 8:04 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
hey darth, that's not an answer! i meant for the entirety of humanity ... not just your gluttonous behavior!
At 9:49 AM,
thephoenixnyc said…
If humans no longer had to eat, we would probably progress in ways scientifically, intellectually and standards of living at an unprecedented level. We would also see a more peaceful planet.
The natural resources needed to sustian 6 billion people could be put toward better uses, like alternative fuels. Thus, no need for oil and its horrific effects on the environment and geopolitics.
Addtionally, the original and still lively cause of war and strife is the struggle to control food and water resources. Again, with those struggles put aside people could focus more on self improvement, science, exploration of the cosmos, learning, teaching and loving.
Take out the need for food and water and perhaps you are on a path to eliminating pollution (do you have any idea of pig waste has doen to the environment?,)war, and hatred.
At 12:48 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
thephoenixnyc, your intelligence astounds me. very articulately put.
it's so sad, because the answer i was thinking about? how my shower could be bigger because i wouldn't need a toilet. wow, do i need to read more!
At 1:01 PM,
thephoenixnyc said…
The typos and erros in grammer I made while quickly typing that while on a boring client call astound me.
At 2:00 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
thephoenixnyc, now yer just showin' off
At 2:28 PM,
darth said…
oh..the humanity..
At 2:51 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
i can see that no one but the intellect-formally-known-as-pip is going to answer my questions
At 1:17 PM,
Arethusa said…
I'm going to answer, yeesh gimme a minute!
If humans no longer had to eat I would turn myself into a chicken, find a Jamaican chicken who knows how to make good jerk, and feast on human-turned-chickens. Ideally I would consume the riff raff like Al Qaeda and so forth. I bet they taste reeeal good jerked.
I didn't read phoenix's after the first line because I knew mine would really suck in comparison so I'd rather not have full-knowledge of this.
At 1:18 PM,
Arethusa said…
Oh right this was supposed to be about the human race in general...well some of us would chicken changing ability. I guess the rest would evolve and adapt this new development, but I'd personally like to keep eating so I'd take the chicken route.
At 2:44 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
Arethusa - DUDE! your comment made me shoot dt coke outta my nose! i am thinking that maybe i'd rather turn myself into something that didn't have to perpetually shoot eggs outta my ass but hey, that's just me!
At 3:59 PM,
infobabe said…
interesting. My initial thought was the exact opposite of phoenix's. I thought that if humans no longer had to eat, the animals would overrun the planet and (assuming we didn't have to drink either) water pollution would run rampant since we would have no motivation to keep it clean. Heh, maybe that would solve the problem of the animals overrunning us.
also the weight loss industry would probably fold up since we'd all be skinny. Oh yeah and there'd be no more restaurants either I guess.
At 9:19 AM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
info ... those are great points. although i would beg to differ on the water issue. i would assume that we would all need to bathe still, right?
At 12:23 PM,
infobabe said…
true. Although water doesn't need to be as clean for bathing as it does for drinking. Unpotable water might not appear so to the senses, right?
At 4:02 PM,
InkedDaisyGirl said…
info - *shudder* that's just so wrong
At 2:02 PM,
F said…
I think the cows and chickens would start eating humans.
At 3:06 PM,
Arethusa said…
There you go!!
At 7:07 PM,
feng said…
If humans don't have to eat, they won't have to shit, sewage treatment would be a lot easier.
If we don't eat, most probably we can absorb whatever we need from the air or something like that, unless we grow roots and absorb from the ground, which sounds absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, my point is that there isn't much nutrients floating around in the air, so we can't survive just by absorbing from the air and we'll end up taking in more pollutants than nutrients. Since we can't survive entirely on absorbing air, and for some reason, we don't need to eat, we'll have to take in supplements somehow. Maybe pills, maybe IV drip. So i guess we'll see people walking around with bags of glucose hanging around them. Or since our skin can absorb so well, we'll wear a covering of some nutrient solution and be drenched in nutrient solution all day, absorbing all day long, kind of make us work like plants, don't you think?
So do I get my $10000?
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